Giant beasts

We got up early this morning and drove to Denny's to have brekkie with Chuck and Elaine (Greg's uncle and aunt) and their daughter Jenny, and her husband Julian. It was nice to have time to visit with them and Jenny and Julian told us all kinds of fun stories about their recent trip to Singapore and Thailand.
Afterwards we drove to Drumheller to go to the Tyrell Museum. It was quite impressive with lots of huge dinosaur skeletons and we spent a few hours there. The badlands weren't as cool as I thought they would be though, although they were pretty neat. I guess I expected them to be deeper. Oh well.
After Drumheller we drove back to Highway 1, then down to Medicine Hat to buy groceries for dinner. On the way we stopped in a little tiny town called Bassano to try to find a place to eat our picnic lunch. We were looking for a park or some sort of rest stop, but we couldn't find one so we ate our lunch on the nice green grass of the lawn of the local hospital. All the people who drove past us looked at us as if we were crazy.
After getting lost in downtown Medicine Hat (I know... it sounds impossible, but it isn't), we drove down to Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park and checked in at our campsite near the town of Elkwater. Our campsite is very quiet and all the way up in the trees. It is neat to see trees and canyons and such after a day of driving through such flat (well rolling a bit) country. We had a late dinner and called home and now we'll head to bed in our tent for the first time.
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