Happy Birthday Greg

Jan 31st was Greg's 29th Birthday. We celebrated by going out to the Best of the Banff Mountain Film Festival Screening at Dalhousie. We had a few people back to our house afterwards for cake and tea. From left to right that's Daphne, Ritchie, Lori, Greg and I. Natalia is taking the photo. The girls are law student friends and Ritchie is a comp sci masters student friend.
I made the cake from scratch - the one occaision every year for which I bake for real. It was carrot cake with brazil nuts and cream cheese icing. Mmmmm.
During the day I organized a surpise party for Greg - a phone party. He had at least a dozen phone calls that day, probably more. Thanks to everyone who called - it made his day.
Greg also got a big birthday present from Mother Nature. On the evening of the 31st, continuing into the morning of the 1st we got over a foot of snow, lots of wind, and some big huge snow drifts. We ended up walking home from the movie in the driving snow! Quite an authentic Maritime experience. On the 1st, school was actually closed for me and lots of stores, offices, etc. were shut for the day.
Today's Halifact: Halifax has a weekly farmer's market in the old Alexander Keith's brewery buildings downtown. It happens every Sunday year round. Local farmers from around the province drive in to sell their produce, meats, bread, cheese, plants, crafts, etc. We made a special trip down there yesterday so Greg could get some fantastic Pineapple Rooibus from the Tea Brewery, a tea shop in Mahone Bay that has a stall at the market. We've also had some pretty awesome pork chops from Sweet Williams' butcher stall, and I bought Lucky Bamboo Verson 2.0 there as well back in September.